29 September - 5 October 2024 |
Initiatives by inexperienced people who fail to make any effort to understand sustainability. |
22-28 September 2024 |
Restaurants serving food that requires a knife, while forgetting the knife. |
15-21 September 2024 |
Restaurants lacking redundant food preparation systems, resulting in major menu items being unavailable for weeks. |
8-14 September 2024 |
Restaurants focusing way too much on show, and not enough on food quality and service. |
1-7 September 2024 |
When three layers of defense simultaneously fail in operations safety. |
25-31 August 2024 |
Already-pre-mixed spaghetti and sauce at restaurants. |
18-24 August 2024 |
Public officials willfully unconsciousness about compromising their integrity. |
11-17 August 2024 |
Public officials who attempt to enforce prejudice-based, unwritten rules. |
4-10 August 2024 |
Public buildings maintained so poorly as to needlessly accelerate further deterioration. |
28 July - 3 August 2024 |
Unserviceable filters that only get clogged. |
21-27 July 2024 |
People naive about their own Streisand Effect. |
14-20 July 2024 |
When people are consumed by tunnel vision. |
7-13 July 2024 |
People too naive to understand how context can matter substantially. |
30 June - 6 July 2024 |
Suboptimal waffle batter mixes. |
23-29 June 2024 |
Inefficient hotel check-in processes. |
16-22 June 2024 |
Flimsy-gauge wire on digital voltmeters. |
9-15 June 2024 |
People too ignorant to recognize that people see right through their insincerity. |
2-8 June 2024 |
People who get upset when they receive better than what they were promised. |
26 May - 1 June 2024 |
People jealous of others who are the first to think of good questions. |
19-25 May 2024 |
People blissfully unaware of their own confusion. |
12-18 May 2024 |
Muffins inseparably stuck to cellophane wrapping. |
5-11 May 2024 |
Messengers careless with their understanding of the facts who unconsciously burden listeners to point out their inaccuracies. |
28 April - 4 May 2024 |
Chunky peanut butter that settles wrong during shipping. |
21-27 April 2024 |
People who are too naive to think that people can't see through their manipulative ways. |
14-20 April 2024 |
People with cognitive dissonance about their own prejudices. |
7-13 April 2024 |
A la carte burger bars with stale buns. |
31 March - 6 April 2024 |
Recycled plastic products quickly degraded by UV. |
24-30 March 2024 |
Cold solder points on flexible solar panels. |
17-23 March 2024 |
Quantized shift points designed purely for psychological medicine for people who don't understand continuously variable transmissions. |
10-16 March 2024 |
Satellite radio with multiple channels playing the exact same song at the same time. |
3-9 March 2024 |
Exceptionally time-consuming administrative processing of medical laboratory results. |
25 February - 2 March 2024 |
Slow-acting bowel prep medicines. |
18-24 February 2024 |
Nominal-case-only software testing. |
11-17 February 2024 |
Space heater fan motor bushings not rated for thermal transients. |
4-10 February 2024 |
Poor quality control in expensive custom orders. |
28 January - 3 February 2024 |
Taxpayer-funded agencies that impose rules to enhance administrator convenience, at the expense of inefficiency to the entire customer base. |
21-27 January 2024 |
Taxpayer-funded agencies that are decades behind the times in recognizing their own bigotry. |
14-20 January 2024 |
When university presidents are attacked for providing a legally-correct answer to an inquirer who fails to understand the answer. |
7-13 January 2024 |
Misuse of root-sum-square (RSS). |
31 December 2023 - 6 January 2024 |
People with inconsistent sensitivities. |
24-30 December 2023 |
Expensive roof shingles that are less hail-proof than solar panels. |
17-23 December 2023 |
Online streaming versions of audio recordings that are recognizably a smite too slow or too fast. |
10-16 December 2023 |
Restaurants with suboptimal personnel resource management. |
3-9 December 2023 |
Restaurants lacking proactive supply maintenance strategies. |
26 November - 2 December 2023 |
Scientists confused between steps and spikes in data. |
19-25 November 2023 |
People passing unwelcome judgment on two other consenting adults having a private conversation. |
12-18 November 2023 |
Intermittently functional scan-to-email devices. |
5-11 November 2023 |
Rotating sprinkler heads that fail to rotate. |
29 October - 4 November 2023 |
Requirements employees are unable to fulfill, due to other, conflicting requirements. |
22-28 October 2023 |
Public agencies set up for failure as a result of bungled socialization. |
15-21 October 2023 |
The failure to widely distribute instructions to a wide audience of people requiring instructions to accomplish a given task. |
8-14 October 2023 |
Parties demanding a change from status quo, followed by requesting a recommendation for change specifics, from other parties who are against a change to begin with. |
1-7 October 2023 |
Hotel chains that fail to perform sufficiently frequent welfare checks on dysfunctional franchise locations. |
24-30 September 2023 |
Stuck Schrader valves. |
17-23 September 2023 |
People who cite their lack of understanding of the purpose of a question as rationale for refusing to answer the question. |
10-16 September 2023 |
Reviewers who respond to inquiries with the carelessness of a 7th grader B.S.-ing her/his way through a homework assignment. |
3-9 September 2023 |
Overextended workplace IT systems. |
27 August - 2 September 2023 |
That pesky, inexplicable, uncontrollable cough. |
20-26 August 2023 |
Online auction sites that strangely change from <list view> to <gallery view> without the consent of browsing client. |
13-19 August 2023 |
Service companies that a) book appointments four days in advance, b) leave a message 2 business hours before the appointment asking a question, c) cancel the appointment 2 hours later, yet d) neglect to notify customer of appointment cancellation. |
6-12 August 2023 |
Four (4) consecutive hotels, all from the same chain, on the same road trip, all with business centers requiring restoration maintenance actions. |
30 July - 5 August 2023 |
People upset about not being able to speak up, who don't actually have anything to say. |
23-29 July 2023 |
Cloud services that advertise “unlimited storage capability” … that however are actually indirectly limited due to local hosting on space-limited PC (C:) drives. |
16-22 July 2023 |
Colleagues so emotionally defensive that they mistake agreement for disagreement. |
9-15 July 2023 |
Online shippers who accept exchanges for shipping the wrong items, only to exchange for the same wrong items. |
2-8 July 2023 |
Hardware stores that claim to offer free delivery for online purchases but in the end require in-person carry-out after the customer has paid for the items. |
25 June - 1 July 2023 |
Document reviewers who carelessly find a keyword and make scenario-fulfillment-based inferences. |
18-24 June 2023 |
Online auction websites that identify an end time based on the website's timescale, yet provide a countdown clock based on client system time with one-second-level precision, failing to recognize that the website timescale and client system time may indeed be asynchronous by much much more than one second. |
11-17 June 2023 |
Service organizations that impede telephonic contact to try to cut administrative costs. |
4-10 June 2023 |
Disrespect of electromagnetic spectrum allocation. |
28 May - 3 June 2023 |
Auto keyless entry systems with inadequate fail-safe measures. |
21-27 May 2023 |
Auto stop/start vehicle systems that cause disruptions to 12V outlets, and thus accessories. |
14-20 May 2023 |
People who employ passive voice as a means to attempt to construct faux rules/regulations that don't otherwise actually exist. |
7-13 May 2023 |
Sports bars with 45 televisions whose personnel don't know how to change channels. |
30 April - 6 May 2023 |
Contextual twisting of the phrase, "Perception is reality!". |
23-29 April 2023 |
Cold solder joints. |
16-22 April 2023 |
Leaky drain plug gaskets. |
9-15 April 2023 |
People who attempt to hide a candy bar in a sleeping bag when a bear is outside the tent. |
2-8 April 2023 |
The confused eBay seller who complains about lack of payment even after receiving payment. |
26 March - 1 April 2023 |
The eBay seller who acts resentful towards constructive private feedback. |
19-25 March 2023 |
The eBay seller who acts surprised when his account is disabled after abusive communication with buyers. |
12-18 March 2023 |
The eBay seller who pathetically attempts to re-negotiate the terms of a transaction after completion of payment. |
5-11 March 2023 |
Food supplement vendors that ship dl-Alpha tocopherol instead of the ordered d-Alpha tocopherol. |
26 February - 4 March 2023 |
Tests using operational systems, that lack Test & data collection criteria. |
19-25 February 2023 |
Contractors behaving like spoiled brats. |
12-18 February 2023 |
Restaurant servers who deliver your food to the wrong table, and after another customer has placed her/his hands on your food, proceeds to deliver the contaminated food to your table, hoping you won't notice. |
5-11 February 2023 |
The human tendency towards scenario fulfillment. |
29 January - 4 February 2023 |
Managers who want to receive improved reporting, but don't know what they want reported. |
22-28 January 2023 |
Retailers that a) don't update shipping tracking information for a full week, b) ship to the wrong address, and yet c) falsely claim completed shipment, and therefore d) refuse to offer customer service despite their own acknowledgement of incorrect shipping. |
15-21 January 2023 |
Workplace appraisal boards that falsely claim assessment objectivity. |
8-14 January 2023 |
Upper-level organizations that blame lower-level organizations for their own incompetent decision-making. |
1-7 January 2023 |
Managers who set themselves up for failure by directing, "Create a briefing," with no specific direction. |
25-31 December 2022 |
Waiters/Waitresses bringing someone else's food to your table, multiple times during one visit. |
18-24 December 2022 |
Cubicle farm neighbors who throw substantial quantities of unconsumed food into their personal garbage cans before a 4-day weekend and then lock their doors for the duration of said 4-day weekend. |
11-17 December 2022 |
Co-workers who lack cognizance of who has subject matter expertise. |
4-10 December 2022 |
Rubber bypass caps that crack under pressure. |
27 November - 3 December 2022 |
Managers who fail to check with subject matter experts prior to publicly embarrassing themselves by presenting incorrect information. |
20-26 November 2022 |
Freeloaders overcrowding restaurants. |
13-19 November 2022 |
People who hurry to cover up a mistake, who in the process turn a bad situation into something worse. |
6-12 November 2022 |
Database managers who depend on bystanders unearthing documentation from 13.5 years earlier to correct mistakes of said database managers. |
30 October - 5 November 2022 |
Support contractors who become irritated after receiving negative formal feedback after blowing off negative informal feedback. |
23-29 October 2022 |
Hotel clerks who won't stop talking while you're trying to read/sign documentation. |
16-22 October 2022 |
People who directly criticize patterns of others based on unsubstantiated hearsay. |
9-15 October 2022 |
Careless, sick slobs at the workplace. |
2-8 October 2022 |
Misleadingly-titled performance metrics. |
25 September - 1 October 2022 |
Federally-funded "trusted agents" who act like slime balls. |
18-24 September 2022 |
The act of one receiving criticisms for decisions over which one had/has no authority/power. |
11-17 September 2022 |
Lack of transparency about which franchises are, or are not, "participating locations" for corporate promotions. |
4-10 September 2022 |
Improperly sealed artificial sweetener packets. |
28 August - 3 September 2022 |
Flimsy quality office chair seat plates. |
21-27 August 2022 |
Poorly-coordinated network software installs at the workplace. |
14-20 August 2022 |
Leaky air conditioning refrigerant seals. |
7-13 August 2022 |
Sticky automatic transmission parking pawls. |
31 July - 6 August 2022 |
Bureaucracies that advise customers to contact people who were fired months earlier, and furthermore refuse to acknowledge said indisputable personnel change. |
24-30 July 2022 |
Retail outlets with inefficient paperwork processing of $50 bills. |
17-23 July 2022 |
Managerial bullies who behave immaturely when subordinates call the bluffs of said bullies. |
10-16 July 2022 |
Customer service agents who talk but don't listen. |
3-9 July 2022 |
Colleagues who attempt to express disagreement with someone else's [apple] statement by deliberately making another statement about [oranges]. |
26 June - 2 July 2022 |
Agencies that point fingers only at each other in the presence of communication problems. |
19-25 June 2022 |
People who label problems as "temporary" without a path forward to resolve. |
12-18 June 2022 |
Public building cafeteria monopolies with lousy service and selection. |
5-11 June 2022 |
Legislative proposals based purely on emotional reaction to recent news events. |
29 May - 4 June 2022 |
HOAs with dysfunctional internal communication. |
22-28 May 2022 |
Excessively talkative rental car agents. |
15-21 May 2022 |
Needlessly defensive nurse practitioners. |
8-14 May 2022 |
Rechargeable batteries designed to replace alkaline batteries, that are oversized relative to alkaline batteries. |
1-7 May 2022 |
People too ignorant to understand the importance of complying with burn restrictions. |
24-30 April 2022 |
Test activities that lack planning for contingencies. |
17-23 April 2022 |
Poorly secured garbage cans. |
10-16 April 2022 |
Frozen door locks. |
3-9 April 2022 |
Flimsy sprinkler valve gaskets. |
27 March - 2 April 2022 |
Flimsy crescent wrenches. |
20-26 March 2022 |
Flimsy snow shovels. |
13-19 March 2022 |
Project managers who respond to requests for discussions by sending standoffish emails and subsequently claiming that such emails supposedly "close" the requests. |
6-12 March 2022 |
Managers who megaphone-effect orders without first checking for proper authorities. |
27 February - 5 March 2022 |
Public agencies experiencing internal miscommunication, resulting in millions of people being falsely accused of failing to file appropriate paperwork. |
20-26 February 2022 |
Workplace lobbyists with "end justifies the means" shortcut mentalities. |
13-19 February 2022 |
Managers who set up meetings to solicit feedback only to say, "Let's take this offline.". |
6-12 February 2022 |
Retail outlets that try to harass prospective buyers who refuse to be opportunistically gauged. |
30 January - 6 February 2022 |
Rebuild kits that don't include replacements for the most fail-prone parts. |
23-29 January 2022 |
Remanufactured items with clumsy cosmetic repairs. |
16-22 January 2022 |
Recliner spring cross-bars, inadequately clamped, that slide out and puncture seat cushions. |
9-15 January 2022 |
The program manager who pays exorbitant amounts of money for a product, but has no idea if/how the customer might use the product. |
2-8 January 2022 |
The ungrateful program manager who resents feedback about how his money is being wasted. |
26 December 2021 - 1 January 2022 |
The middle-level manager who perceives impeding information flow as a perk of the position. |
19-25 December 2021 |
The manager, humiliated by losing a previous argument with someone, who tries to start a different argument with the same person solely for the purposes of trying to save face and vindicate the humiliation. |
12-18 December 2021 |
Flimsy quality compression water shut-off valves that fail on the first use/turn. |
5-11 December 2021 |
The manager who introduces meetings with a "no attribution" clause, only to not keep her/his word. |
28 November - 4 December 2021 |
Micromanagers who expect recommendations, don't provide expectations, and then complain that the recommendations don't meet his expectations. |
21-27 November 2021 |
Hosts of 3-hour-long teleconferences who, at the 2 hour, 55 minute point, are politely reminded that they’re running out of time, but who in turn respond by saying, “Oh, well we have this line for the next hour anyway so let’s just keep pressing,” with complete disregard for participants who a) have other conflicting teleconferences commencing at the time of the end of the 3-hour-long teleconference, and b) need to take a humongous p*ss. |
14-20 November 2021 |
The manager who refuses meetings with his own people prior to making technical decisions involving meetings with external agencies. |
7-13 November 2021 |
The manager who expects personnel to be proactive with manager's intent, despite how the manager fails to proactively convey said intent. |
31 October - 6 November 2021 |
Quasi-scientists who attempt to predict future climate behavior based solely on past climate behavior. |
24-30 October 2021 |
People who make unnecessary assumptions when knowledge resources are just a few feet away. |
17-23 October 2021 |
People who expect advice but nevertheless neglect to request, or be receptive to, such. |
10-16 October 2021 |
Operators who execute procedural steps out of order without any grasp of understanding for the necessity of step sequencing as written. |
3-9 October 2021 |
Condiment cases containing curdled cream. |
26 September - 2 October 2021 |
Garden hose spray nozzles with busted return springs. |
19-25 September 2021 |
People creating song lyric web pages who B.S. their way through the words. |
12-18 September 2021 |
Spray bottles with dislodged internal straws. |
5-11 September 2021 |
Drunk bar patrons who, upon seeing a TV broadcast of an ARCA race at Kansas in May, yell out, "Hey, it's the Daytona 500!". |
29 August - 4 September 2021 |
Co-workers who get upset as a result of you answering a yes/no question. |
22-28 August 2021 |
Co-workers who get upset as a result of you asking a yes/no question. |
15-21 August 2021 |
Workplace nudniks. |
8-14 August 2021 |
Appointments for national teleconferences that a) provide a time, but b) fail to unambiguously identify the associated time zone. |
1-7 August 2021 |
Contractors that refuse to share information for which the government has already paid, citing "proprietary" concerns. |
25-31 July 2021 |
Technical colleagues who accuse you of squandering opportunities that, in reality, didn't exist. |
18-24 July 2021 |
Public officials who attempt to blame others for their own conscious violations of instructions. |
11-17 July 2021 |
Public officials who attempt to assert requirements by claiming that inanimate entities supposedly have "needs". |
4-10 July 2021 |
People who follow orders without verifying the legality thereof. |
27 June -3 July 2021 |
People who lack the discipline to follow instructions. |
20-26 June 2021 |
Operations managers who lack understanding of human factors. |
13-19 June 2021 |
Brand new rubber cement that is dry upon first dispensing. |
6-12 June 2021 |
Waiters who leave the table without letting you finish your order. |
30 May - 5 June 2021 |
Publicly-incentivized laziness. |
23-29 May 2021 |
Mechanical pencils with worn-out lead sleeves, resulting in frequent lead fractures. |
16-22 May 2021 |
Co-workers who participate in meetings without bothering to consider if the right people are participating. |
9-15 May 2021 |
Mobile teleconference participants undisciplined at muting microphones. |
2-8 May 2021 |
People who who assume that their resolution to your complaint is satisfactory, without bothering to check with you. |
25 April - 1 May 2021 |
People who propose changes but don't understand what problems they're supposedly fixing. |
17-24 April 2021 |
Public officials who make offers with unstated strings. |
11-17 April 2021 |
People who show contempt for genuine courtesy. |
4-10 April 2021 |
People who don't understand the concept of backward-compatibility. |
28 March - 3 April 2021 |
People who request document reviews by a short-suspense deadline, and then replace the original document draft with another draft mid-way through the review, after reviewers have already begun performing reviews. |
21-27 March 2021 |
Micromanagers, showing up uninvited, who attempt to commandeer meetings for personal control satisfaction reasons. |
14-20 March 2021 |
External agencies that perform end runs via management, while simultaneously becoming frustrated at the resulting lack of action-officer-level cooperation between agencies. |
7-13 March 2021 |
Public Records Managers who lack the competence to understand the difference between a Record and a Non-Record. |
28 February - 6 March 2021 |
Web browser URL lines that attempt to auto-populate in an unconstructive fashion. |
21-27 February 2021 |
External agencies requesting written feedback on a proposal that itself isn't in writing. |
14-20 February 2021 |
People who become frustrated with other parties, and who in turn frustrate themselves further by uselessly attempting to address said frustration with outside, otherwise uninvolved, third parties. |
7-13 February 2021 |
Online sellers who fail to comply with conditions of a sale agreement, and instead of appropriately refunding the purchase price, attempt to re-negotiate the conditions of what is otherwise a binding agreement. |
31 January - 6 February 2021 |
Hands-free Foot Pull openers on workplace doors that are so counter-sprung that attempted use poses serious risk of dislocating toes. |
24-30 January 2021 |
People who refuse to use logic when performing fault isolation. |
17-23 January 2021 |
Song information website contributors who merely bull$#!+ their way through lyrics. |
10-16 January 2021 |
Newscasters who incessantly begin speech with paralinguistic dental clicks. |
3-9 January 2021 |
CyberSecurity traffic monitoring software susceptible to trojan horses utilizing a weak root password. |
27 December 2020 - 2 January 2021 |
Improperly sealed milk cartons. |
20-26 December 2020 |
TV Syndicates that use compression technology to speed up classic shows to squeeze in more commercials. |
13-19 December 2020 |
Oatmeal chocolate chip cookies completely devoid of chocolate chips. |
6-12 December 2020 |
Government contractors who ask you what you would like, only to subsequently engage in a profanity-laced criticism of your answer. |
29 November - 5 December 2020 |
Upper-level managers who obligate subordinates to perform damage control against embarrassing comments made by said managers. |
22-28 November 2020 |
New printer cartridges that dry up after one print, months before stated expiration date. |
15-21 November 2020 |
The abuse of local ballots with unethical/illegal propositions/initiatives/amendments. |
8-14 November 2020 |
Packaging material that sticks to a product to the extent of necessitating product damage to remove. |
1-7 November 2020 |
Managers who take advice from external agencies, yet fail to remember to ask within for advice. |
25-31 October 2020 |
Managers who attempt to hold technical discussions at manager-only levels, and not surprisingly screw up the discussion because of their technical ignorance. |
18-24 October 2020 |
Workplace colleagues who misquote you for the sole purpose of constructing artificial paper tigers that they may in turn attack, as a diversion from the weakness of their own positions. |
11-17 October 2020 |
Aftermarket auto parts warehouses with exceptionally incorrect part number data bases. |
4-10 October 2020 |
Restaurants with staged waiting just to get a table, despite customers calling ahead an hour in advance. |
27 September - 3 October 2020 |
Gyms closed for a pandemic that nevertheless charge monthly dues. |
20-26 September 2020 |
People who continuously cuss, however know only two cuss words. |
13-19 September 2020 |
People who refuse to answer your question, and yet insist on answering a question that you didn't ask. |
6-12 September 2020 |
Managers abusive to employees and yet sycophantic to external parties. |
30 August - 5 September 2020 |
Auto service departments who drive customer cars in reckless fashion. |
23-29 August 2020 |
People who whimsically abuse government resources without justification or requirement, and then in turn use circular logic to rationalize. |
16-22 August 2020 |
Neoprene that deteriorates within weeks after purchase. |
9-15 August 2020 |
People who denounce sexism, but practice sexism. |
2-8 August 2020 |
Hurricane report graphics loaded with symbols, yet lacking a legend defining said symbols. |
26 July - 1 August 2020 |
People overconfident in their knowledge and/or intelligence. |
19-25 July 2020 |
Sealed watches without battery replacement capability. |
12-18 July 2020 |
Working group members who attack another member for making a suggestion, despite the fact that the preponderance of the group has adopted said suggestion. |
5-11 July 2020 |
People who, with prejudice, but without foundation, presumptively accuse others of prejudice. |
28 June - 4 July 2020 |
People who falsely criticize generalized tolerance comments as supposedly being racist. |
21-27 June 2020 |
People who twist the words of speakers 180 degrees, and then proceed to attack the speaker for their own slander. |
14-20 June 2020 |
People who equate silence to violence, and then proceed to violently react to non-silence. |
7-13 June 2020 |
People who don't make a distinction between logic and inference. |
31 May - 6 June 2020 |
People who endorse written technical rationale that they haven't even read. |
24-30 May 2020 |
Problem identifiers who state artificially-elevated urgencies. |
17-23 May 2020 |
Teleconference participants dialed in from home who are less audible than their out-of-control children. |
10-16 May 2020 |
Leaky nozzles on fully pressurized paint spray cans. |
3-9 May 2020 |
Teleconference participants whose personal phones are constantly producing loud DINGs from received personal text messages. |
26 April - 2 May 2020 |
Online sellers who refuse to take responsibility for problematic shipping. |
19-25 April 2020 |
People who have no judgment as to how much [6 feet] is. |
12-18 April 2020 |
People who say, "I'm not trying to argue....." and then proceed immediately to argue. |
5-11 April 2020 |
Teleconference moderators who frequently interrupt speakers by saying, "Who just dialed in?" |
29 March - 4 April 2020 |
Disastrously unprepared Disaster Preparedness programs. |
22-28 March 2020 |
People too naive to understand when olive branches end up only rewarding bad behavior. |
15-21 March 2020 |
Television program guides that fail to account for Daylight Saving Time (DST) transitions. |
8-14 March 2020 |
Officials who mislabel a [recommendation] as [supposed direction]. |
1-7 March 2020 |
Flimsy cereal box cardboard. |
23-29 February 2020 |
Restaurants that lose customer orders. |
16-22 February 2020 |
Careless adjudication. |
9-15 February 2020 |
Sports leagues that change season-strategy-affecting rules, mid-season. |
2-8 February 2020 |
HVAC repairmen who fail to communicate with homeowners prior to making incorrect assumption-based household modifications, despite said homeowners standing a few feet away. |
26 January - 1 February 2020 |
HVAC repairmen lacking repair parts during repair appointments. |
19-25 January 2020 |
Bar tenders who attempt to turn on NASCAR when in fact NASCAR is off-season. |
12-18 January 2020 |
Managers who attack subordinates who illuminate said managers for telling white lies. |
5-11 January 2020 |
Public officials who don't stop to check the inappropriateness of the scope of their answers prior to answering questions. |
29 December 2019 - 4 January 2020 |
Abuse of "end justifies the means" mentalities in public decision-making. |
22-28 December 2019 |
Bullies unprepared to handle when people stand their ground against bullying. |
15-21 December 2019 |
Concert ticket websites that are unable to process orders from landline IT devices. |
8-14 December 2019 |
Squeaky rubber isolators. |
1-7 December 2019 |
Falsely-advertised wattage ratings on retail solar panels. |
24-30 November 2019 |
Belt-driven mechanisms within CD players that could otherwise work better designed with gear-driven mechanisms. |
17-23 November 2019 |
Toilet adjustable ballcock repair kits that last less than a year. |
10-16 November 2019 |
The colleague who willfully lets alcohol attack the inhibition centers of the brain that exist for a reason. |
3-9 November 2019 |
Inter-agency interfaces that fail to track and update POC lists. |
27 October - 2 November 2019 |
Charities that expend obscene percentages of donations on telephone solicitation. |
20-26 October 2019 |
Cable television/internet companies who opportunistically take illegal short cuts when burying cable. |
13-19 October 2019 |
Very poorly-planned office furniture moves. |
6-12 October 2019 |
Town Hall meetings with terrible wireless microphone PA systems. |
29 September - 5 October 2019 |
Managers who refuse to accept their ignorance of the size of their blind spots. |
22-28 September 2019 |
Restaurant hosts who serve food you don't order, only for you to refuse said food, which said host promptly discards into the trash. |
15-21 September 2019 |
Auto salvage yards not organized by make. |
8-14 September 2019 |
Organizations that create excessive dependency on people enabling the incompetence of other personnel, based on expediency/convenience as opposed to respecting lanes of responsibility. |
1-7 September 2019 |
The organization who criticizes others for actions while being too misinformed to realize that said organization is actually responsible for said actions. |
25-31 August 2019 |
People who try to rationalize arguments they lose on substance, by criticizing someone else's "tone". |
18-24 August 2019 |
People who spend more time making excuses for their shortcomings than fixing their shortcomings. |
11-17 August 2019 |
Global Navigation Satellite Systems with inadequate redundancy in timescale management. |
4-10 August 2019 |
Supervisors who blindly trust systems they do not have understanding of, or experience with, despite cautions from subordinates who do. |